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Welcome [Wuxi Youhuan Machinery Co., Ltd.] official website!  CN      EN
Vertical enamelling machine
Vertical enamelling machine
Horizontal enamelling machine
Horizontal enamelling machine
Wuxi Youhuan Machinery Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Youhuan Machinery Co., Ltd. is a new type of enterprise that produces various types of enameled machines. The company combines the requirements, status and development trend of high-quality enameled wire in domestic and foreign markets, and is committed to providing good products and services to users. The company's series of enameled machines can produce: copper, copper-clad aluminum, aluminum and other materials, varieties of PU, PE, PEI enameled wires, and can meet the production needs of customers for multi-coating and large-capacity winding.
The company adheres to the quality policy of "striving for perfection in product quality, serving customers wholeheartedly", "high qualified rate of factory products, good customer service satisfaction rate" as the quality goal, pursuing the corporate tenet of honesty and pragmatism, and the spirit of dedication, improvement and dedication. , Qua

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  • CON:Mr. Zhan
    ADD:Huangtu Temple Industrial Park,
    ??????????? Wanshi Town, Yixing City
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